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2018-05-08 13:07:55 发表
Marching for a clear, firm and passionate defense of ALL human life
Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB
CEO, Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation

Being pro-life is one of the deepest expressions of our baptism: we stand up as sons and daughters of the light, clothed in humility and charity, filled with conviction, speaking the truth to power with firmness, conviction and determination, and never losing joy and hope. Being Pro-Life is not an activity for a political party or a particular side of the spectrum. It is an obligation for everyone: left, right and centre! If we are Pro-Life, we must engage the culture around us, and not curse it. We must see others as Jesus does, and we must love them to life, even those who are opposed to us. To March for Life in Ottawa, Washington and in many other cities of the world means that we stand up for all human life, and we do not have a myopic view of the cause of life. Being pro-life in this day and age is truly prophetic, and it will bring about authentic development and enduring peace in our world.

The burning issues of the promotion of human life, from conception to natural death, must be high on the agenda of every human being on every side of the political spectrum. They are not only the concern of the far right of the political spectrum. Many people, blinded by their own zeal and goodness, have ended up defeating the very cause for which we must all defend with every ounce of energy in our flesh and bones. What is wrong with abortion, euthanasia, embryo selection, and embryonic research is not the motives of those who carry them out. So often, those motives are, on the surface, compassionate: to protect a child from being unwanted, to end pain and suffering, to help a child with a life-threatening disease. But in all these cases, the terrible truth is that it is the strong who decide the fate of the weak; human beings therefore become instruments in the hands of other human beings.

Today we live in the midst of a culture that denies human solidarity and takes the form of a veritable "culture of death". This culture is actively fostered by powerful cultural, economic and political currents that encourage an idea of society exclusively concerned with efficiency. It is a war of the powerful against the weak. There is no room in the world for anyone who, like the unborn or the dying, is a weak element in the social structure or anyone who appears completely at the mercy of others and radically dependent on them and can only communicate through the silent language of profound sharing of affection. Human life has a sacred and religious value, but in no way is that value a concern only of believers. There is no question that abortion is the most serious wound inflicted not only on individuals and their families who should provide the sanctuary for life, but inflicted as well on society and its culture, by the very people who ought to be society's promoters and defenders. But immigration issues are also critical pro-life issues in our day. The lives of 800,000 Dreamers in America are pro-life issues. The separation of families at US borders is a pro-life issue. Wrongful incarceration of thousands of young people in holding facilities along the southern US border with Mexico is a pro-life issue. Care of the environment is also a critical pro-life issue for the world.

In Pope Francis' recent Apostolic Exhortation "Gaudete et Exsultate" (On the Call to Holiness), he challenges each of us who consider ourselves to be "Pro-Life." He speaks of dangerous ideologies which may at times misguide us in our efforts to march for life (#101):

"The other harmful ideological error is found in those who find suspect the social engagement of others, seeing it as superficial, worldly, secular, materialist, communist or populist. Or they relativize it, as if there are other more important matters, or the only thing that counts is one particular ethical issue or cause that they themselves defend. Our defence of the innocent unborn, for example, needs to be clear, firm and passionate, for at stake is the dignity of a human life, which is always sacred and demands love for each person, regardless of his or her stage of development. Equally sacred, however, are the lives of the poor, those already born, the destitute, the abandoned and the underprivileged, the vulnerable infirm and elderly exposed to covert euthanasia, the victims of human trafficking, new forms of slavery, and every form of rejection. We cannot uphold an ideal of holiness that would ignore injustice in a world where some revel, spend with abandon and live only for the latest consumer goods, even as others look on from afar, living their entire lives in abject poverty."

In the coming days, tens of thousands of people - many of them young men and women - will descend upon Ottawa to March for Life on May 10, 2018. Let us never forget to reflect upon what we do as individuals and as a community as we stand up for life - ALL human life. Building a culture of life and ending abortion is the duty and obligation of each and every person. But the litmus test for being pro-life is not only attending rallies or marches during the year in major cities of the world. The real test is what we do for life in the remaining 364 days of the year, and what efforts, great and small, do we embrace to consistently and systematically oppose any type of murder, genocide, abortion, euthanasia or willful self-destruction, violations of human dignity, and coercion of the will. How do we advocate for those who endure subhuman living conditions, arbitrary imprisonment, deportation, slavery, prostitution, human trafficking and disgraceful working conditions, and wrongful, unjust immigration policies? All of these things and more poison human society. We must strive for a strong, consistent ethic for life.

Our common home has become a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. During his brief pastoral visit to Sweden in October 2016, Pope Francis proposed six new beatitudes for the modern era on the Feast of All Saints:

"Blessed are those who remain faithful while enduring evils inflicted on them by others, and forgive them from their heart;

"Blessed are those who look into the eyes of the abandoned and marginalized, and show them their closeness;

"Blessed are those who see God in every person, and strive to make others also discover him;

"Blessed are those who protect and care for our common home;

"Blessed are those who renounce their own comfort in order to help others;

"Blessed are those who pray and work for full communion between Christians."

May these powerful words of Pope Francis be a guiding light and source of instruction, inspiration, consolation and hope to the people of our country as we march for life and defend human life - from conception to natural death - from womb to tomb. May the beatitudes compel us to move forward with boldness and courage, as we welcome, love and protect the poorest, weakest and most vulnerable among us.
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2018-05-08 12:59:44 发表
若望‧奧馬利樞機(Sean Patrick O’Malley)曾在得克薩斯州聖安東尼奧舉行的哥倫布騎士團年度大會演講中說:
「有些人認為教宗應該更多地談論墮胎。我認為他說的是愛和慈悲,給人們教會關於墮胎的教導。我們反對墮胎,不是因為我們涼薄或守舊,而是因為我們愛人。這就是我們必須展示世界的。我們必須是更好的人; 我們必須愛所有的人,甚至那些倡導墮胎的人。 只有我們愛他們,我們才能幫助他們發現未出生的孩子的生命的神聖性。只有愛和慈悲才會打開那些被我們時代的個人主義所僵化的心。」

教宗方濟各斷然譴責墮胎和安樂死。他不強調哲學,科學和法律論點。相反,他直接指向基督的面容。對於墮胎,教宗說: 「每個被墮胎的嬰兒都帶有主基督的面容。我們每個人都被邀請在脆弱的人類中認識到天主的面容,在衪的肉體上,因著我們經常批判最貧窮的人而經歷了冷漠和孤獨。」墮胎的譴責就如嬰兒時的耶穌,黑落德王要尋找這嬰孩,要把衪殺掉。教宗在2013年9月20日的《第10屆天主教醫生協會國際聯合會大會》說:「每個尚未出生就不公平地被墮胎的嬰兒,都帶有耶穌基督的面容,上主的面容。這面容在出生前或剛剛出生後經歷了世界的拒絕。」同樣,對於對安樂死,教宗指出:「每一位老人,即使是患病或垂暮之年的老人,也都帶有基督的面容。他們不能像丟棄文化建議我們的一樣被丟棄!他們不能被丟棄!」
維護生命是我們領洗的最深切的表達之一:我們站起來作為光的兒女,穿著謙卑和慈善,充滿信念,以堅定的信念和決心說真話,永不失去喜樂和希望。維護生命不是一個政黨或某一方面的活動。這是每個人的義務: 不分左、中、右。 如果我們是維護生命的,我們必須參與我們的文化中,而不是咒罵。 我們必須像耶穌一樣看待別人,我們必須愛他們的生命,即使是那些反對我們的人。
維護生命的考驗不僅是參加在世界主要城市的一天的集會或遊行,真正的考驗是在其餘的364天的生活中能做什麼、能有多少的付出。我們會否一致地反對任何類型的謀殺、種族滅絕、墮胎、安樂死或故意自殺、侵犯人的尊嚴和強迫人的意志。我們如何維護那些忍受非人生活條件、任意監禁、驅逐、奴役、賣淫、人口販運和受苛刻的工作條件的人? 所有這些事情,更毒害人類社會。 讓我們祈求我們可以有一個堅強和一貫的生命道德觀。
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2018-05-08 12:59:07 发表
教宗本篤十六世在2009年發表的《在真理中實踐愛德》通諭 (Caritas in Veritate)中,教宗明確地闡明了人的尊嚴和對人的生命的尊重「這一點無論如何不能與民族發展相關的問題分開。」(28) 本篤寫道:「在經濟較發達的國家,壓抑生命的法律非常普遍,並已左右了生活習慣和做法,這樣助長了散播一種反生命的心態,並把它當作文化上的進步,而傳到其他國家。」「向生命開放是真正發展的所在。一個社會若開始否定及消滅生命,結果只會失去一切動機和所需要的力量去為人的真正福利服務。個人及社會若喪失了歡迎新生命的意識,那麼,在社會生活的其他方面也難以彼此相容。」(28)
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2018-05-08 12:58:40 发表
羅馬天主教會持有一貫的生命倫理。教會有關於人的不可侵犯性、神聖性和尊嚴的教導。 然而,反對墮胎和安樂死不能對那些遭受貧窮、暴力和不公正的人漠不關心。包括對那些違反生命的:如任何類型的謀殺、種族滅絕、墮胎、安樂死或故意自殺; 對那些侵犯人類的尊嚴:如殘割、對身體或頭腦的折磨等; 對那些侮辱人的尊嚴的:如非人的生活條件、任意監禁、驅逐、奴役、賣淫、販賣婦女和兒童、視人為工具而不是人而作出苛刻的工作條件等等所有這些事,都是在毒害人類社會。
人類生命和人類尊嚴在當今世界遇到許多障礙,特別是在北美。當生命不受尊重,我們應該驚訝其他的權利遲早會受到威脅嗎? 如果我們仔細研究上個世紀所發生的偉大事情,我們看到隨著自由市場推翻共產主義,誇張的消費主義和物質主義滲透了我們的社會和文化。人口老化,特別是在西方,由此造成的較小的勞動力正在創造一個市場去推動安樂死。 正如聖若望保祿二世寫道:「死亡的權利不可避免地讓位於死亡的責任。」
今天,我們生活在一種文化之中,這種文化否認了團結,並採取了一種名副其實的「死亡文化」的形式。 這種文化是由強大的文化、經濟和政治潮流積極促進的,鼓勵一種關於社會效率的社會觀念。 這是一場強者對弱者的戰爭。 世界上沒有任何人像任何未出生或垂死的人一樣,他們是在社會結構中的弱小的一群,只能通過沉默的語言溝通和分享感情。 人類的生命具有神聖和宗教價值,但絕不僅僅是信徒所關注的價值。墮胎不僅是對個人及其家庭造成的最嚴重的傷害,而且更是對社會及其文化造威脅。
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2018-05-08 12:58:11 发表
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撰文:羅思家神父, 巴西略會
Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB
在2017年1月27日星期五下午,將有成千上萬的人 ,當中有許多人是年青的男和女會到達華盛頓,參與一年一度的「維護生命大遊行」“March for Life”,這讓我們停下來反思我們每個人和社區如何為生命站起來。
今年在美國首都舉行的維護生命大遊行的主題是:「一個人的力量」-- 靈感來自英國著名作家約翰·羅納德·魯埃爾·托爾金(J.R.R. Tolkien):「即使再渺小的人也能改變世界。」不管是在一個人或許多人的生活中,一個人可以為世界帶來改變。可悲的是,僅在美國,每年有一百萬名嬰兒沒有被給予機會去生存和改變世界。每個人有責任去建立生命的文化和停止墮胎行為。從你的家人或鄰居開始,我們的集體努力將改變人心,拯救生命,和建立生命文化。
而在今年5月,加拿大渥太華將舉行大型活動,包括在政府大樓前舉行鼓舞性的講話。維護生命大遊行將在兩國的首都主要的道路上舉行。 對於美國人來說,這次聚會讓人們記得在1973年1月22日最高法院就羅訴韋德案“Roe v. Wade”而作出全國墮胎合法化的裁決44週年。自作出裁決以來,在美國已合法執行近六千萬次墮胎。
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2018-05-08 12:57:14 发表
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